Acupuncture Market Capitalization
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Acupuncture as an efficient treatment over many health problems. Acupuncture can provide a safe and effective treatment for many of the health complications that may arise before, during and after pregnancy. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine are an effective treatment for regulating menstruation and hormone levels, reducing stress and addressing any pre-existing medical conditions. There is strong evidence to support that acupuncture is highly effective at treating some of the most common problems experienced during pregnancy including heartburn, morning sickness, insomnia, water retention and sciatica. The global acupuncture treatment market is expected to register a significant CAGR during the forecast period. The increasing acceptance due to rising awareness of traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture as a primary health approach in the countries such as U.S., Germany, U.K. and other developed economies is the major factor, expected to propel the growth of the global acupuncture treatment market.
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- Acupuncture
- Acupuncture & Chronic pain
- Acupuncture & Infertility
- Acupuncture & Migraine
- Acupuncture & Neurology
- Acupuncture & Pain
- Acupuncture & Treatments
- Acupuncture for addiction recovery & depression
- Acupuncture Market Capitalization
- Acupuncture Techniques
- Chiropractic and Osteopathic Medicine
- Electroacupuncture
- Holistic & Integrative Medicine
- Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine
- Needling Sensation and Sterilization
- Oriental Medicine
- Pet Acupuncture
- Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
- Traditional Chinese Medicine