Oriental Medicine
Oriental medicine is the oldest codified system of medicine in the world.The most commonly known treatment method of Oriental Medicine in western cultures is acupuncture, which involves the insertion of very fine needles into the body at specific locations in order to balance the flow of Qi. The philosophy of Oriental Medicine uses metaphors and images from nature to describe the processes of health and disease. Yin and Yang originally referred to the sunny and shady side of a mountain. The Five Elements (Metal, Fire, Earth, Water, and Wood) are another important paradigm of health and disease in Oriental Medicine.
Related Conference of Oriental Medicine
Oriental Medicine Conference Speakers
Recommended Sessions
- Acupuncture
- Acupuncture & Chronic pain
- Acupuncture & Infertility
- Acupuncture & Migraine
- Acupuncture & Neurology
- Acupuncture & Pain
- Acupuncture & Treatments
- Acupuncture for addiction recovery & depression
- Acupuncture Market Capitalization
- Acupuncture Techniques
- Chiropractic and Osteopathic Medicine
- Electroacupuncture
- Holistic & Integrative Medicine
- Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine
- Needling Sensation and Sterilization
- Oriental Medicine
- Pet Acupuncture
- Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation
- Traditional Chinese Medicine